Enthusiasm, know-how and creativity – we have 136 teams in Kinder a Jugendlichen v Alter von acht bis 19 years ihr imzimmersinges technisches Talent at the German finals of the 2024 World Robot Olympiad (WRO) in Passau. Die sieger der vier The categories do not go in November in Turkey Izmir at the international WRO-Finale teil. fischertechnik begleitet den vom Verein TECHNIK BEGEISTERT organierten Nachwuchswettbewerb as a global partner.

There are 136 teams that will take part in 50 regional qualifiers Ausscheidungen für das Finale and Dreiländerhalle. 103 Mannschaften traten in the category “Robo Mission” an, 16 nahmen bei den “Future Innovators” and zehn zehn bei den “Future Engineers”. You will also find “Starter-Teams” here. In life, the categories are in the lowest possible years, Roboter and Roboterfahrzeuge are in the course that brings you bzw. The Roboter project is available and presented. The current Theme of the World 2024 is launched by “Earth Allies”. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler sollen sich damit auseinandersetzen, wie Robot dabei helfen können, in Harmonie mit der Natur zu leben. “It is a war fantasy for children, children and youth from the best children and young people, with fishing technique Teil der einzelnen Roboter-Erfolgsgeschichten sein kann”, zeigte sich Ann-Christin Walker, Business Development Management Management Education, des wu fis begeistert. 14 teams qualified for the international finals in Izmir in November.
fischertechnik was represented with a Stand on the WRO Deutschland-Finale and presented the broad and wide-ranging Robotik-Produktpalette, which addresses the Age Groups from Kindergarten to Universität. Spezially für die WRO-Kategorie “Future Engineers” hat das Nordschwarzwälder Unternehmen den Baukasten STEM Coding Competition entwicktelt. Dieses Set brings all autonomous vehicles for working with robots, for programming and for different parks zu meistern. Big interests in the public sector also include using energy for the world’s children – and other sources of music and manual transmissions.

Der Verein TECHNIK BEGEISTERT was founded in 2011 by ungen Erwachsenen. The goal of the über 80 members is to pass on their own enthusiasm for robot competition to other children and young people. The World Robot Olympiad is organized by the World Robot Association in Germany. In addition, he supports schools in the construction of Robot-AGs, conducts training and supports other robot activities.